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A Preemie Grows Up

By Sue Kinney

My, do the memories rush back!

Twelve (yes, twelve) years ago today,
I was told they needed to deliver my 26 week baby in order to save my life.

Twelve years ago today,
my daughter's head fit in the palm of my hand. A rolled up washcloth served as a backrest for her 12-inch long body.

Twelve years ago today,
I wondered how such a small baby could possibly survive.

Twelve years ago today,
I wondered if my daughter would ever breathe on her own.

Twelve years ago today,
I wondered if my daughter would be alive in twelve hours.

I bought my twelve year old daughter a new bra because the old ones were too small.

I sat and played the piano while my twelve year old daughter played her flute solo.

I sat and listened while my twelve year old daughter whispered about the boy she liked.

Twelve years ago,
today I cried tears of desolation that my body had rejected my first born. That my baby had to suffer so much.

I cry tears of joy that my daughter is beautiful, healthy, alive. And that my baby has brought so much joy to so many people. Especially to me.

© 1998 Copywrite Sue Kinney

Sue Kinney is the mother of a teenage girl, born prematurely. She may be contacted at playsharp2@yahoo.com.

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