Preemie Community
Books for Children
New! Reviews of the best children's
books about prematurity.
Child Support
Preemie Child Listserv - The only national support group for parents of
older preemies.
Premature Child?
Our Personal Story
Preemie Celebrations
Guest Book
Share your joy and your preemie's accomplishments with other preemie parents
in our popular Guest Book.
Pregnancy and Preemies
High risk pregnancy, causes of prematurity, infant loss and other issues
related to premature delivery and pre-tem birth.
Raising Your Preemie
Surviving the
Advice, stories, and support for parents of preemies.
Preemie Parenting
Developmental, medical and other needs evolve as preemies grow up, raising
complex questions beyond 'normal' parenting.
Preemie Parent
Encouraging preemie parents to advocate for their children.
Special Needs
for Preemies
Comeunity Special Needs has
articles on Cerebral
Palsy, Growth
& Feeding, Sensory
Integration, Speech &
Language and more.

and Tell
Artwork and stories by children born premature.
Learning About Preemies
Development & Special Needs
Professionals and parents discuss developmental issues and
the special needs of preemies, such as cerebral palsy, growth, sensory
integration, speech and much more. Over 100 articles.
Preemie Celebrations
Stories and poems by preemie parents celebrating the lives and victories
of children born prematurely.
Sensory Integration and Pain Tolerance
in Preemies
Sensory integration issues and pain tolerance in older preemies.
Research studies providing insight as to the frequency
and types of long term impacts preemies may exhibit.
Helen Harrisons'
Discussion of prematurity and its impacts, from the author of The
Premature Baby Book.
of Specialty Shops for Your Preemie
your preemie product.
Highlighted Articles
Your Preemie
Baby's Sense of Touch and Pain
Your preemie baby responds to touch and pain at a very young age. This
discussion of touch, comfort, and pain management in the NICU explains
how can you help your baby feel more secure.
of Preemie Twin Babies
The touching personal story of the delivery of twin preemies.
A nurse's healing words help sooth the tears and grief when a much wanted
pregnancy ends in miscarriage
Keep a
Preemie Baby Diary in the NICU
A diary of your concerns and emotions can hep you keep your sanity, when
your preemie baby is in the hospital.
A New Beginning:
Home with Your Premature Baby
After your preemie comes home, managing expectations.
Integration Problems in Preemies
Common sensory integration problems in preemies, causes and solutions.