Review by Allison Martin The Black Parenting Book is a thoughtful, comprehensive resource for parents of young African, African-American or biracial children from three African American mothers with impressive writing credentials and experience. Intermingled with solid advice on child care, the authors offer thoughtful and positive advice on parenting black children, addressing key topics such as how to care for hair of black children, and instill a sense of pride in the process. With insights on parenting from babyhood to preschool this well informed book would be a great resource for new adoptive parents or parents to be. The Black Parenting Book responds to questions all new parents have about caring for and raising their babies and young children, such as:
But even more importantly, Black Parenting Book addresses topics related specifically to parenting black children, such as:
I recommend this balanced and comprehensive parenting book for any new parent (or parent to be) raising black children, but especially for multiracial families and adoptive families. COMEUNITY "Parenting Support for Unique Families" http://www.comeunity.com |