and Communication by Children
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on Speech, Language and Communication
What Should We Talk About?
Building Your Child's Conversation Skills
Three easy steps to help your child learn good conversation skills. Gary
Kosman and Grace Chiu
Speech and Language : Causes, Milestones
and Suggestions
Most children have speech that is easily understood by an unfamiliar listener
by school age, however, some children take longer to develop their speech.
Kimberly A. Powell, Ph.D.
Adoption : Your Child's Speech
and Language Development
Speech and Language Development in Adoption: Language is the gateway
to learning. Here's what you need to know to foster speech and language
skills of your adopted child, and to get help if you suspect trouble.
Allison Martin
Speech and Language Development
What to do when you have concerns about your child's speech and language
development. Allison Martin
Research on
the Impact of Prematurity on Speech and Language
Research summary on prematurity and speech. Allison Martin
Guidelines for Your Child's First Words
Children learn words and use them in communication best when those words
do the following things. James D. MacDonald
Having Conversations with Children Learning
to Talk
One of the most important things in helping children learn to talk is
to have frequent, friendly conversations with them. James D. MacDonald
The Surprising Power of Waiting
In our work with parents, teachers and therapists, we find waiting to
be one of the most powerful ways to help a child communicate. James
D. MacDonald
Young Children's Oral Language Development
An overview of the process and mechanics of language development,
along with implications for practice. Celia Genishi
Why Do Children Have Difficulty Learning to
A few of the common problems we have seen. James D. MacDonald
Communication in Autism
Overview of language development and impairment of autistic children.
Speech and Language: Developmental Milestones
Development and milestones of articulation and language from birth to
five years old.
Children with Communication Disorders
What are communication disorders?
Conversation Guide for Older Children &
Here are a few things I've learned to make conversations improve my life.
James D. MacDonald
Our Daily Bread
In this heart-warming story, a non-verbal teenage boy with autism finds
the help he needs from his camp nurse. Sharon Weinland George and Judith
Weinland Justice
Book Reviews
speech and language books
Speech and Language Resources for Children