and the Adoption Journey

Bridging the gap
from infertility to adoption.
Read My Recommendations of Infertilty
and Adoption Books
Articles on Adoption After Infertility
When Infertility is an Act of Love
When a partner chooses infertility, it may be an affirmation of love and
commitment. Pat Johnston
In-Vitro Fertilization to Adoption
Struggling with the physical and emotional trauma of infertility and
in-vitro fertilization. Rocky A. DeLorenzo
Control, Loss and Dreams - Searching
for a Solution to Infertility
Pat Johnston describes a practical approach to coping with infertility,
in this exclusive interview. Allison Martin
Anna's Adoption
From secondary infertility to adoption. Kim Saxon
Choosing Adoption After Infertility
It takes time to work through the issues of infertility to look at options
beyond pregnancy. Allison Martin
Discussing Adoption And Infertility
With Your Partner
Partners who are reluctant to consider adoption, as well as a few
thoughts to consider yourself. Russ Webb, Family Therapist
Marriage and Infertility :
Nothing I Do Helps
Sometimes infertility is something that can not be fixed. In this personal
story, a husband realizes the difference that support and communication
make. Michael; Marlo M. Schalesky
Resolving the Loss of Fertility
What can it mean to resolve your infertility when adopting? Allison
Infertility Begets a Family
Moving into adoption. Adam Pertman
Coping With Infertility
A personal account of coping with infertility and the journey to adoption.
Jan Curtis, Adoptive Parent
Intrusive Questions -
International Adoption and Infertility
Questions lead to thoughts on adoption and infertility. Tracy Desserich
Men and Infertility : The Pain of
Not Being A Biological Father
A great many men are touched by the painful reality of infertility,
although this is rarely acknowledged. Russ Webb, Family Therapist
The Promise of Adoption
An adoptive mother, who is also adopted, shares her insights on the "guarantees
of adoption" for parents considering adopting. Dawn Rogers, Adoptive
Parent and Adoptee
Persuing IVF and Adoption?
The tempation and risk of going down the two roads of IVF and adoption
at the same time. Russ Webb, Family Therapist
Resources for Adoption After Infertility
Adoption Education
Speakers Directory
Listing of adoption and infertility experts and authors available to speak
at your adoption education conferences, culture camps and events.
Adoption After Infertility
Resources for adoption following infertility.