Adoption Newsletter

An adoption newsletter
by and for adoptive mothers.
Edited by Karen Ledbetter.
Real Moms adoption newsletter offers support, information and encouragement
for domestic adoption to adoptive and prospective adoptive mothers.
Letters From Our Readers
Sixth Online Issue:
Appropriate Things to Say
to an Adoptive Family After an Adoption Falls Through
Things NOT to Say to an Adoptive
Family After an Adoption Falls Through
Fifth Online Issue:
NACAC 2000 Report - A parent shares
her experience at the NACAC national adoption conference.
My Special Mother's Day Gift - A
special adoption story.
To Tell or Not to Tell Your School About Adoption
Fourth Online Issue:
Questions to Ask a Potential Birth Mother
- You're talking to a woman who is making an adoption plan for the baby
she's carrying. What questions do you ask?
Worth the Fight - A poem about waiting.
Our Adoption Trip - Story of a domestic
Third Online Issue:
My Child, My Child - A poem of love.
Our Adoption Journey - Childhood love
for a doll carries this prospective adoptive mom through emotional and
medical anguish to joy.
Letter to A Birth Father - Reassurance
from an adoptive mom.
Dear Birth Mother - A poem of appreciation
from an adoptive mother.
Second Online Issue:
Best Mom? - An adoptive mother's thoughts
on parenting.
To My Baby - An adoptive mother's poem
to her baby.
Thirty Things Adolescent Adoptees Wish They
Knew - About Their Birthparents But Often Are Afraid To Ask
From a Birth Mom - A short letter from
a birth mother.
First Online Issue:
Joey's Adoption - Adoption of a child
with a disability.
A special bond of love - A poem of thanks
to a birth mother.
Losing Maria - Love lost and found as
a daughter joins her birth father.
A Precious Gift - A poem of appreciation.
© Copyright Notice. Selected excerpts from Real Moms newsletter
are published here on Comeunity web site with express permission
from the editor, Karen Ledbetter. All articles are copyright to the authors.
Please write Karen Ledbetter at P.O. Box 745, Mooresville, NC 28115 or
E-mail to request
permission to reprint or copy any portion of this newsletter.