and resources for Adoption, Special Needs and Parenting
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Featured Adoption & Special Needs Resources

Adoption, Special Needs and Parenting Support - This outstanding
parenting site provides hundreds of definitive articles, resource
directories, expert interviews and exclusive book reviews on parenting,
adoption and children's special needs. Celebrating over twenty
year of parenting, adoption, and special needs support for
unique families.
ACLS Recertification online training is a great tool for medical professionals to get their certificate from work or home.
Parenting Website from: Allison Martin
Parent Highlights:
Are Hard Times and Adversity More Difficult for Children with ADHD?
How to help children with ADHD cope with trauma and adversity. Interview with Professor Joel Nigg, PhD
Attachment Methods - Adoptive Families
Advice on attachment for adoptive families. (Stephanie Bosco-Ruggiero, Gloria Russo Wassell and Victor Groza)
Can I Turn for Help When My Child Has Sensory Integration Problems?
Find out who can help and what professional qualifications are important,
when you suspect your child has sensory integration issues.
Your Child or Adult Child With Special Needs Eligible for Social Security
Income - SSI?
What determines if a child (or adult child) with special needs, health
impairments or disabilities qualifies for Social Security Income?
Developmental Care
Overstimulation and your new preemie baby.
Building Resilience in Children
Dr. Mark Bertin, pediatrician and author of How Children Thrive explains that, We can not cover the road ahead for our children, but we can provide them a solid pair of hiking boots.
O Wonderful Boys
Consider the adoption of a waiting boy. Adoptive families share the
joys of adopting boys.