Needs Adoption

Support and information on
the adoption of children with special needs and disabilities.
Articles on Special Needs Adoptions | Adoption
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Help for Attachment Problems in Adoption - An Overview
How to help your adopted child with attachment disorder - what is attachment disorder and how can it be treated. Gloria Wassell
You Should Know About Adoption Photolistings
Adoption photolistings can be great tools to help you find your child,
if you don't let your heart rule your intelligence. Follow this practical
advice and advance warning signs for adoption photolistings. Dawn Davenport
Disorders, Attachment and the Adoption of Older Children from Foster Care
Children adopted from foster care frequently have ongoing problems related
to attachment disorder, trauma, abuse and neglect, and behavioral, developmental
and psychological disorders. Disproportionate rates of mental health problems
persist for these children as they age. Therefore, mental and physical
health screening and follow-up is essential for children following their
adoption from foster care. Martha Henry and Daniel Pollack
Attaching in Adoption
Author and adoption expert Deborah Gray discusses attachment in adoption,
in this exclusive interview.
Baby and
Toddler Adoptions - Interrupted or Unexperienced Stages of Development
Developmental interruptions are common in adopted babies who are placed
after birth. Patricia Johnston
What the Heck Were You Thinking?
Adoption, Foster Care, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Inability to manage strong feelings can cause foster and adopted children
and teens to act out in inappropriate ways. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
may help these children gain control of their behavior. Pamela Lowell
Adoption of the Perfect Child
When a baby born with cleft lip and cleft palate, a special nurse finds
him to be perfect, in this remarkable story of a special needs domestic
adoption. Diana M. Amadeo
You Should Know About Adoption Photolistings
Adoption photolistings can be great tools to help you find your child,
if you don't let your heart rule your intelligence. Follow this practical
advice and advance warning signs for adoption photolistings. Dawn Davenport
Choosing Adoption
- Developmental Impacts of Orphanages Versus Foster Care
An overview of developmental impacts of children adopted internationally
from oprhanages and institutions. How and why this may differ from children
adopted from foster care. Dawn Davenport
Should We Talk About? Building Your Child's Conversation Skills
Three easy steps to help your child learn good conversation skills. A
great article for older children learning to speak English. Gary Kosman
and Grace Chiu (More articles
on speech)
: Your Child's Speech and Language Development
Speech and Language Development in Adoption: Language is the gateway
to learning. Here's what you need to know to foster speech and language
skills of your adopted child, and to get help when you suspect trouble.
Allison Martin
Our Adoption of a Child with
Cleft Palate
The personal story of adoption of Vietnamese child with cleft palate.
Lois Fraser
in Adopting a Pre-Term or Low Birth Weight Baby
This article on our prematurity site provides an overview of the potential
developmental outcome when considering the adoption of a pre-term or low
birth weight LBW baby. Patricia Irwin Johnston
Building A Child's Self Esteem
A disabled child's self identity, and feeling about himself can be very
fragile. He will be disinclined to try to progress, if he believes himself
to be incapable, a failure, or unimportant. Building a child's self esteem
is very important. The best way to do this is to make the child feel needed.
Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Our Daughter's Heart Condition
The adoption and subsequent treatment of a Chinese baby with Ventricular
Septal Defect (VSD). Barb Burke
Alleviating Sensory
Integration Issues in Adopted Children Due to Early Sensory Deprivation
- Online Links
Links to online articles with informational responses to common questions
from parents of adopted children raised in orphanages or institutions,
who have ongoing with sensory integration issues. An interview with Zoe
Mailloux. Allison Martin
Our Daughter's Arthrogryposis
The adoption story of a Korean baby with arthrogryposis who is growing
up to be a talented young girl. Barb Burke
Are Institutions a Place to Call
Dr. Groza's review of the impacts of long term institutionalism of children
adopted from Romania has implications for children remaining in institutions
around the world. Victor Groza, Daniela F. Ileana, and Ivor Irwin
Adopting and Parenting the Older
Interview with Trish Maskew the author of "Our
Own Adopting and Parenting the Older Child" Allison Martin
Preparing Families for Adoption of Instiutionalized
Children with Special Needs and/or Children At Risk for Special Needs
Advice for parents on adopting children who are at risk for special needs.
Dr. Victor Groza and Daniela F. Ileana
International Adoption and Lessons Learned
from Romania
In this interview, Dr.Victor Groza discusses how you can prepare for international
adoption and provides an overview of the impacts of institutionalism.
Allison Martin
Special Needs
Articles and Resources
Adoption Health and Medical Issues
: Comeunity
Over 50 articles by doctors, adoption professionals and parents on Hepatitis
B, lead, malnutrition, parasites, travel health, scabies, and other important
medical health considerations for families adopting from Asia.
Children's Disabilities
A top ranked source of articles for parents of children with special