About Adoption

Adoption professionals
and adoptive parents discuss adoption realities, education and society
Adoption Education Speakers
Listing of adoption and infertility experts and authors available to speak
at your adoption education conferences, culture camps and events.
Transracial Adoptive Families - Coping with Stereotypes The skill set necessary to navigate the race-conscious world needs to be explicitly taught. Victor Groza
Acknowledging Differences
in Adoption - Interview with Pat Johnston
Adopted children are sons and daughters both to parents they don't know
who are genetically connected to them and to adoptive parents, with whom
they share no genes. Since the rest of the world defines these family
roles genetically, we each experience this difference. Interview with
the author of Adopting: Sound Choices, Strong Families. Allison
A Teacher Speaks: Adoption
and Sharing Chinese Culture with Your Children
An experienced teacher examines ways teachers and families can share Chinese
culture with children of different ages. Interview with Freddie Remza,
the author of The Journey to Me. Allison Martin
Talking About Birthparents with Young
Carrie Kitze explains ways to encourage your young children to feel comfortabletalking
about their birthparents. Allison Martin
Societal Views of Adoption
Claudia Nelson, author of Little Strangers, discusses societal
views toward adoption, past and present, in this interview. Allison
Adoption History - Interview
with Barbara Melosh
Even as adoptions grow in acceptance, they are not as numerous as
they once were. How has our understanding of adoption changed over the
last century? Interview with the author of Strangers and Kin, The American
Way of Adoption. Allison Martin
The Power of Love to Transform and Heal
- Adoption Story
The transforming power of love and the adoption of an older child.
Jackie Lantry
Scrapbooking Tips
Scrapbook advice for your album or journal. Kael
A Whole New World
Growing number of parents who've adopted children from China seek to give
not just family, home and love -- but culture and language too. Jocelyn
Post Adoption Blues
Karen Foli, co-author of Post-Adoption Blues, explains the concept behind
adoption blues in this interview. Allison Martin
Tips for Adoptive Grandparents
An adoptee provides suggestions for grandparents of adopted children.
Beth O'Malley
Life Books: Every Adopted Child Needs One
Why you will want to create a life book for your adopted child, by the
author of LifeBooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child.
Beth O'Malley
Questions Children Have About Adoption
An interview with Lori Resove, author of Rosie's Family. Allison Martin
A Revolutionary New Look at Adoption
Author Adam Pertman, author of "The Adoption Nation" examines
the transformation of adoption today, with advice for adoptive families
and prospective adopters, in this interview. Allison Martin
The State of Knowledge About Foreign Adoptions
An insightful discussion of adoption research and its application for
adoptees and adoptive families. Dr. Monica Dalen
Adoption Language
Appropriate terminology when speaking about adoption and adoptive family
members. Pat Johnston
The Beauty of Adoption
The discrepancy between media coverage of adoption and the reality.
Margie Hershey
Celebrating Chinese
Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
Families who are adoptiong from China celebrate the Chinese Mid-Autumn
Festival together in this heartwarming and informative story. The children
learn about Chinese traditions and stories, as they wait for the adoption
of their siblings from China. Freddie Remza
Parents Wanted
Excerpt from George Harrar's novel about older child adoption. George
Adoption is a Family Affair!
Patricia Johnston, the author of "Adoption is a Family Affair!"
discusses rude comments and adoption education in this author interview.
Allison Martin
Parents Wanted Interview
George Harrar, the author of 'Parents Wanted,' discusses his novel about
the adoption of a teenage boy in this exclusive interview. Allison
The Best Single Mom in the World - How
I Was Adopted
Mary Zisk, the author and illustrator of "The Best Single Mom in
the World" discusses her adoption and the basis for her book. Allison
Creating Ceremonies
for Older Adopted Children
Cheryl Liberman and Rhea Bufferd, authors of Creating Ceremonies, explain
the ways rituals can be helpful for older adopted children. Allison
Helping Families Discuss Adoption
In this interview with Carol Peacock, the author of "Mommy Near,
Mommy Far," she discusses ways to talk with your child about adoption.
Allison Martin
Growing Up Adopted
Coming to terms with adoption - identity issues of adopted children. Adam
Successful Adoptions
The important characterstics leading to successful adoptive families are
discussed in this informative interview with Doctor Victor Groza, the
author of "Clinical and Practice Issues in Adoption." Allison
Celebrating Lunar New Year with Children
In this interview with Cindy Roberts, the author of "Lunar New Year
for Kids", she explains the benefits of enjoying the Asian New Year
with your children, in school or with your local adoption group. Allison
Talking to Children About Adoption
Educating school children about adoption. Nancy Jessup
Reaching Out to Birthmothers
An adoptive mother corresponds with birthmothers about their feelings
on adoption. Leceta Chisholm Guibault