to Adopt

Advice on adopting - international
or within the United States.
Protect Yourself From Adoption Scams
Adoption scams are real, and can be quite cruel. Protect yourself from
adoption scams with these professional tips. Patricia Irwin Johnston
How the
Hague Convention Regulations Improve Your International Adoption Agency
or Facilitator Selection Process
The rationale behind the new Hague Convention regulations and how helps
your your international adoption process, is discussed in this exclusive
interview with Jean Nelson Erichsen, author of Inside
the Adoption Agency. Allison Martin
Is International Adoption Right for
Explanation and comparison of domestic and international adoptions. Jean
Nelson-Erichsen and Heino R. Erichsen
What You Should
Know About Adoption Photolistings
Adoption photolistings can be great tools to help you find your child,
if you don't let your heart rule your intelligence. Follow this practical
advice and advance warning signs for adoption photolistings. Dawn Davenport
How to Help Adopted Children Adjust
with an Adoption Welcome Book
Directions for making a Welcome Book to help your adopted child adjust
to their new home. Beth O'Malley
Domestic Adoption
How to adopt in the United States - domestic adoption experiences and
other insights. Betsy Buckley
Baby and
Toddler Adoptions - Interrupted or Unexperienced Stages of Development
Developmental interruptions are common in adopted babies who are placed
after birth. What causes these interruptions and how can you address them.
Patricia Johnston
Choosing Adoption
- Developmental Impacts of Orphanages Versus Foster Care
An overview of developmental impacts of children adopted internationally
from oprhanages and institutions. How and why this may differ from children
adopted from foster care. Dawn Davenport
How to Adopt Internationally
An interview with Jean Nelson Erichsen, co-author of the book "How
to Adopt Internationally." Allison Martin
Older Foster Child and Teen
Advice from an experienced social worker for parents considering an older
foster child or teen adoption. Interview with Pamela Lowell, a clinical
social worker. Allison Martin
Adopting on Your Own
Experienced advice for singles wishing to adopt and single adoptive parents
from Lee Varon, author of Adopting On
Your Own. Allison Martin
Tears of Joy
A touching scene in the US Consulate during a Chinese adoption excerpted
from the book, Grace from China.
Jacqueline A. Kolosov
Overseas Adoption is Dream Come True for South
Dakota Family
An international adoption story. DeAnn McClure
Adoption - The Greatest Gift
Betsy Buckley, author of "The
Greatest Gift" provides advice on adopting your child in this
interview. Allison Martin
Interviewing An Adoption Agency
Questions to ask when selecting an adoption agency for an international
adoption. Sara Myers
Joy and Surprises from Abroad - Assimilation and
International Adoption
Assimililation goes both ways for international adoptive families. Adam
Rainbows from Heaven
An insight in an arduous adoption from the Ukraine. Lynn Ellen
Top Five Hot Buttons Not to Push! (or, Open
Mouth, Extract Foot)
Insensitive comments about adoption and adoptive families. Pat Johnston
A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to the
.. Homestudy
A Humorous Tale of Home Inspection for Adoption. Peggy Knudson
The Adoption Homestudy
Put your fear aside and warm up your photocopier.. you're in for an interesting,
sometimes frustrating ride. Roberta Rosenberg
Preparing Families for International Adoption
Key issues families should know before adopting internationally. Dr.
Victor Groza
Basic Requirements for International
International adoptions include requirements of the U.S. immigration,
the country from which the child is originating, and the state in which
the child will ultimately live. Jean Nelson-Erichsen and Heino R. Erichsen
Agency-Initiated and Parent-Initiated Adoptions
Pros and cons of the two major types of international adoptions: agency-initiated
adoptions and direct or independent adoptions. Jean Nelson-Erichsen
and Heino R. Erichsen
INS Regulations - Immigrant Petitions
Regulations on international adoption. Be an informed adopter - read the
Interview - International Concerns
for Children
An interview with AnneMarie Merrill of the ICC on choosing an agency
for an international adoption. Allison Martin
Resources for selecting an agency
Links to articles and other resources to help you choose an adoption agency.