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Becoming Attached, First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love

By Robert Karen

Becoming Attached
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"I recently read an excellent book called Becoming Attached, First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love, by Robert Karen, Ph.D.. It isn't a pop-psych book, but is very thorough and readable.  For those parents who anticipate potential problems, or those who are encountering problems now, I recommend it highly! 

"I was curious, because my first daughter was in a well-maintained but not "touchy-feely" environment (adopted at 10 1/2 mos.) and is incredibly independent.  My second daughter came "pre-spoiled" (at 7 1/2 mos.) and is quite cuddly.  I wondered whether it was "environment" or "personality".  I still haven't decided (probably it's a bit of both), but the book is terrific!" (Ann Lamar)

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