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"Is Adoption For You?, by Chris Admaec is not a manual on how to adopt, but rather a book that addresses the issue that adoption is not the right choice for everyone who wants a chld. It is divided into four sections: 'The Basics of Adoption'; 'Looking Inward - Questions to Ask Yourself'; 'Looking Outward - Questions to Ask Others', and a resource guide. "Included are self-evaluation quizzes, as well as discussions on infertility, genetics, bonding and attachment. There is also discussion about telling others about your decision, and how friends and family might react to adoption. The different types of adoption are briefly mentioned, and the resource list is a good starting point to learn more. "This is an excellent book for anyone just starting out, who wants to learn more about adoption before making a decision to proceed." (Barbara J.) |
COMEUNITY http://www.comeunity.com