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Taiwan Adoption - An Illinois Couple Adopts Their Sonby Barbara Walsh
We started the application process and initial paperwork in summer, and by winter our dossier and official documents were on their way. We received our referral in spring, 2005. As a result of months of research and asking questions, we had selected New Hope Child & Family Agency in Seattle, Washington as our adoption agency. They work specifically with St. Lucy's in southern Taiwan, (a Catholic organization run by the Good Shepherd Sisters) and we felt drawn to the care and love the children were receiving. Once medical and photos were in hand, our son didn't look like the names we had picked out. So the night we received our referral we couldn't sleep as our baby didn't have a name yet. The next morning, in a mad rush to get out the door for work, I blurt out to my husband "how about Sean Patrick?" Sean as he looked like a Sean and his Chinese name sounded similar "Shan-Yeh". Patrick for St. Patrick's Day! With a last name like WALSH, we thought the name went together. Sean Patrick it is! At that time for Taiwan adoption the paperwork had to go through two courts: a Supreme Court (ruling on if we are fit parents per our official documents & homestudy) and then the District Court (ruling on the behalf of the child). Normally, we were told the process for court takes about 5-8 months. St. Lucy's was usually on the shorter end of this timeframe. We didn't expect to hear anything until around September or October. You can imagine our shock and surprise when I received "the call" on Memorial Weekend that we'd be traveling soon!
Our trip to St. Lucy's was quick. The staff was very welcoming and had a traditional Chinese lunch waiting for us. I remember looking up thinking "this is it!" while eating lunch when I noticed a large picture of Jesus just above us. I teared up as I knew He was keeping us safe and guiding us the whole time. The staff spent 2 hours going over Sean's schedule, likes/dislikes, etc. with us. It was hard for them to say goodbye, but they seemed used to it with having a social worker and nurse as part of the staff.
His five year old sister, Katherine, was adamant about one thing "he sure poops his pants a lot!" |
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