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Infectious Disease References and Recommended ReadingInfectious Disease and the Internationally Adopted Child1. US IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE. Statistical Year books of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. 1988-1991. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. 1989-1992. 2. NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR ADOPTION: Adoption Factbook: US Data. Issues. Regulations and Resources. Washington, DC: National Committee for Adoption, November 1985. 3. NATIONAL COMMETTEE FOR ADOPTION: 1989 Adoption Factbook: US Data. Issues. Regulations and Resources. Washington, DC: National Committee for Adoption, June 1989. 5. McBOGG P, WOURI D: Outcome of Adopted Vietnamese children. Clin Pediatr 1979, 18:1-9-183. 6. ADOLFSSON S, WESTPHAL O: Early Pubertal Development in Girls Adopted from Far-Eastern Countries. Clin Pediatr 1981. 15:82. 7. WINICK M, MEYER KK, HARRIS RC: Malnutrition and Environmental Enrichment by Early Adoption. Science 1975, 190:1113-1175. 8. LIEN NM: Early Malnutrition and 'Late' Adoption: A Study of Their Effects on the Development of Korean Orphans Adopted into American Families. Am J Clin Nutr 1977, 30:1734 -1739. 9. NOSSAR V: The Care of Children from Developing Countries in Australia. Med J Aust 1992, 156:371-372. 10. HOSTETTER M, JOHNSON DE: International Adoption: An Introduction for Physicians. Am J Dis Child 1989, 143:325-332. An essential overview of the medical and social issues for physicians unfamiliar with the process of international adoption. 11*. BRINTON K, LADYZHENSKY A: Clinical Management of Immigrants Immunization Histories: A Focus on Soviet Health Records and BCG, Nurse Practitioner 1992, 17:21-32. Helpful review on how to interpret health and immunization records from the former Soviet Union. 12. STIEHM ER: The Psychologic Fallout from Chernobyl. Am J Dis Child 1992, 146:761-762 13. HIEN TT, WHITI NJ: Qinghaosu. Lancet 1993, 341:603-608 14. TAYLOR TE, WILLS BA, KAZEMBE P, CHISALE M, WIRIMA JJ, RASTMA EYEC, MOLYNEUX ME: Rapid Coma Resolution with Artemether in Malawian Children with Cerebral Malaria. Lancet 1993, 341:66i-662. 15. JENSTA JA, CHAPMAN DD: Medical Problems of Foreign-Born Adopted Children. Am J Dis Child 1987, 141:298-302. 16. JENISTA JA. Disease in Adopted Children from Romania [Letter]. JAMA 1992, 268:601-602. It is the only US report of HIV infection in the international adoptee and only one of two reports of delta hepatitis in these children. 17, HOSTETTER M, JOHNSON DE: In Reply: International Adoptees and Hepatitis B Virus Infection [Letter]. Am J Dis Child 1990, 144:523-524 18. HAYANI KC, PICKERING LK: Screening of immigrant Children for Infectious Diseases. Adv Pediatr Infect Dis 1991, 6:91-110. 19*. PEARSE DB: Orphan Care in Ukraine: A Personal View of Medicine in the Former Soviet Union. Face Facts (Baltimore, MD) 1993, 16:3-6. Personal account by an American pulmonologist adopting an orphan with interesting observations on the state of Ukrainian medicine. 20. HOSTETTER M, JOHNSON DE: In reply: Adoption of Hepatitis B Virus-Infected Foreign-Born Children [Letter]. Pediatrics, 1990, 85:891-892. 21. KURTZ J: HIV Infection and Hepatitis B in Adopted Romanian Children [Letter]. BMJ 1991, 302:1399. 22*. PROSS LA, HOFVANDER Y. WENNQVIST K. TUVEMO T: A Longitudinal Study on Anthropometric and Clinical Development of Indian Children Adopted in Sweden. I. Clinical and Anthropometric Condition at Arrival. Upsala J Med Sci 1992, 97:79-92. Description of medical condition of Indian children upon arrival in Sweden for adoption. 23*. PROSS LA, HOFVANDER Y. WENNQVIST K. TUVEMO T: A Longitudinal Study on Anthropometric and Clinical Development of Indian Children Adopted in Sweden II. Growth, Morbidity and Development During Two Years after Arrival in Sweden. Upsala J Med Sci 1992, 97:93-106. It is the long-term infectious disease issue in Indian children adopted in Sweden. 24. LANGE WR, WARNOCK-ECKHART E, BEAN ME: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection in Foreign Born Adoptees. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1989, 8:625-629. 25. BATES C: Malnutrition: Vitamin A and Infant Immunity. Lancet 1993, 341:28. 26. ROSS CA: Vitamin A Status: Relationship to Immunity and the Antibody Response. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1992, 200:303-320. 27. SEMBRA RD, MUHILAL, WARD BJ, GRIFFIN DE, SCOTT AL, NATADISASTRA G, WEST KP Jr, SOMMER A: Abnormal T-cell Subset Proportions in Vitamin-A Deficient Children. Lancet 1993, 341:5-8. 28. COMMITTEE ON INFECTIOUS DISEASES, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Vitamin A Treatment of Measles. Pediatrics 1993, 91:1014-1015. 29. REMIGNTON PL: Airborne Transmission of Measles in a Physician's Office. JAMA 1985, 253:1574-1577. 30. ANONYMOUS: Poliomyelitis among Hmong Refugees [News]. Infect Dis News 1993, March, 1993:1. 31. CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION: Malaria in Montagnard Refugees -- North Carolina, 1992. MMWR 1993, 42:180-183. 32. SVENUNGSSON B, GOFFE G: Persistent Excretion of Salmonella in Foreign-born Adopted and Native Swedish Children. Scand J Infect Dis 1990, 22:31-42. 33. SMITH-GARCIA T, BROWN JS: The Health of Children Adopted from India. J Comm Health 1989, 14:221-241. 34. HOSTETTER M, IVERSON S, DOLE K, JOHNSON DE: Unsuspected Infectious Diseases and Other Medical Diagnoses in the Evaluation of Internationally Adopted Children. Pediatrics 1989, 83:559-564. 35. HOSTFTTER M, IVERSON S, THOMAS W: Medical Evaluation of Internationally Adopted Children. N Engl J Med 1991, 325:-479-485. Discussion of the need for and the results of a screening protocol in 293 internationally adopted children. 36. LANGE WR, WARNOCK-ECKHART E: Selected Infectious Disease Risks in International Adoptees. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987, 6:447-450. 37. ASHER DP, MONTEZ M: Infectious Disease Risks Among Filipino Adoptees. J Trop Pediatr 1991, 37:319-319. 38**. JOHNSON DE, MILLER LC, IVERSON S. THOMAS W, FRANCHINO B, DOLE K, KIERNAN MT, GEORGIEFF MK, HOSTETTER M: The Health of Children Adopted from Romania. JAMA 1992, 268:3446-3451. Excellent description of the high-risk medical conditions of Romanian adopted children upon arrival in the USA. 39. SHABDE N, WATERSTON T: Screening Children from Overseas for Infections: Is it justified? BMJ 1990, 301:800-802. 40*. NICKOLSON AJ, FRANCIS BM, NULHOLLAND EK, MOULDEN AL, OBERKLAID F: Health Screening of International Adoptees: Evaluation of A Hospital Based Clinic. Med J Aust 1992, 156:377- 379 Evaluation of infectious diseases detected in internationally adopted children now residing in Australia. 41. HERSHOW RC, HADLER SC, KANE MA: Adoption of Children from Countries with Endemic Hepatitis B: Transmission Risks and Medical Issues. Pediatric Infect Dis J 1987, 6:431-437 Excellent readable review of the medical and social issues of chronic hepatitis B infections in adoptees. 42. DARMADY JA: HIV Infection and Hepatitis B in Adopted Romanian Children [Letter]. BMJ 1991, 302:160-4. 43. HANNAM P: HIV Infection and Hepatitis B in Adopted Romanian Children [Letter]. BIU 1991, 302:160-4. 44*. ZWEINER RJ, FIEMAN BA, SQUIRES RH Jr: Chronic Hepatitis B in Adopted Romanian Children. J Pediatr 1992, 121:572-574. Notes the severity of chronic hepatitis B infection in Romanian adoptees. 45. CHRISTENSON B: Epidemiological Aspects of the Transmission of Hepatitis B by HBsAg-Positive Adopted Children. Scan J Infect Dis 1986, 18:105-109. 46. FRIEDE A, HARRIS JR, KOBAYASHI JN, SHAW FE Jr, SHOEMAKER- NAWAS PZ, KANE MA: Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus from Adopted Asian Children to Their American Families. Public Health 1988, 78:26-29. 47. GREENBLATT M, KHOO E-C: Incidence of Hepatitis B Carriers among Adopted Korean Children [Letter]. N Engl J Med 1985, 312:1639. 48. LANGE WR, KREIDER SD, WARNOCK-ECKHART E: Hepatitis B Surveillance in Korean Adoptees. Maryland Med J 1987, 36:163-166. 49. MURRAY DL: International Adoptees and Hepatitis B Virus Infection [letter]. Am J Dis Child 1990, 144:523. 50. MURRAY DL, LYNCH M. DOUGHTY A, CHO BK: Results of Screening Adopted Korean Children for HBsAg. Am J Public Health 1988, 78:855-856. 51. NORDENFELDT E, DALQUIST E: HBsAg Positive Adopted Children as a Cause of Intrafamilial Spread of Hepatitis B. Scand J Infect Dis 1978, 10:161-163. 52. SOKOL RJ: Adoption of Hepatitis B Virus-infected Foreign Born Children [letter]. Pediatrics 1990, 85:890-891. 53. UNGUREANU A, IVAN A, CHIHAIA E, POPOVICI S, MITROI I, AZOICAI A, IFTIMI G: Epidemiological and Laboratory Observations on Viral Hepatitis Morbidity in Child Social Welfare Institutions. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat lasi 1991, 95:79-84. 54*. ANONYMOUS: Severe Form of Hepatitis B Being Seen in Romanian Adoptees in U.S. [News]. Family Practice News 1992. September 15, 1992:16. Describes a collaborative trial of interferon in Romanian adoptees with chronic hepatitis B infection. 55. LAI CL, LIN JF, LAU JN, FLOK AS, WU PC, CHUNG HT, WONG LK, LEUNG MP, YEUNG CY: Effect of Recombinant Alpha 2 Interferon with or without Prednisone in Chinese HBsAg Carrier Children. Q J Med 1991, 78:155-163. 56. KAY M, WYLLIE R, DEIMLER CM, BAETZ-GREENWALT B, CAULFIELD M, STEFFEN R, MICHENER W: Alpha-interferon Therapy in Children with Chronic Active Hepatitis and Delta Virus Infection [Abstract]. Am J Gaestroenterol 1992, 87:1358. 57. RUIZ-MORENO M, RUA MJ, MORALEDA G, GUARDIA L, MRENO A, CARENO V: Treatment with Interferon Gamma Versus Interferons Alpha and Gamma in Children with Chronic Hepatitis B. Pediatrics 1992, 90:254-258. 58. CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL: Screening for Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Infection in High-Risk Populations and the use of Preventive Therapy forTuberculosis Infection in the United States Recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Elimination of Tuberculosis. 1990, 39:1-12. 59. DICKMAN S: AIDS in Children Adds to Romania's Troubles. Nature 1990, 343:579. 60. HERSH BS, POPOVICI F, APETREI RC, ZOLOTUSCA L, BELDESCU N, CALOMFIRESCU A, JEZEK Z, EXTOBY MJ, GROMYKO A, HEYMANN DL: Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome in Romania. Lancet 1991, 338:645-649. 61. WILSON ME: Immigrants. In A World Guide to Infectious Diseases, Distribution Diagnosis. New York: Oxford University Press: 1991: 42-65. 62. BERGER L, FRANCK WA, COTE L, GYORKOS TW, MACLEAN JD: Medical Evaluation of Children Adopted from Abroad [Letter]. N Engl J Med 1992, 326:409-410. 63. HOSTETTER M, IVERSON S, JOHNSON DE: In Reply: Medical Evaluation of Children Adopted from Abroad [Letter]. N Engl J Med 1992, 326:410. 64*. BASS JL, MEHTA KA, EPPES B: Parasitology Screening of Latin American Children in a Primary Care Clinic. Pediatrics 1992. 89:279-283. Emphasizes the need to screen all Latin American immigrant children for parasites, regardless of symptoms or history., 65. JOHANSSON PJH, LOFGREN B, NORDENFEILDT E: Low Frequency of Hepatitis C Antibodies among Children from Foreign Countries Adopted in Swedish Families. Scand J Infect Dis 1990, 22:619-620. 66*. YANOVSKI JA, NELSON LM, WILLIS ED, CUTLER GB Jr: Repeated Childhood Vaginal Bleeding is not Always Precocious Puberty. Pediatrics 1992. 89:149-151.Chronic Salmonella infection misdiagnosed as precocious puberty in a Peruvian adoptee. 67. BARTON LL, FRIEDMAN AD: Internationally Adopted children and Cytomegalovirus [Letter]. Pediatrics 1989, 84:937. 68. HOSTETTER M: In Reply: Internationally Adopted Children and Cytomegalovirus [Letter]. Pediatrics 1989, 84:937-938. |
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