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Humanitarian Aid in China Provided by Adoption Agencies

Christian Salvation Service
Currently, we operate an after-school study center for elementary school children in An-hui province in China. Help with homework, clean drinking water, and a small library have made this program a success.

4390 Lindell Blvd. Suite 200, St. Louis, MO  63108-2735, Phone: 314-535-5919, Contact: Susan A. Didier, MSW, LCSW - Program Coordinator

Holt International Children's Services
Sponsor a child in China to help provide your sponsored child with these essentials: Warm clothing and attentive care, routine and specialized medical treatment, balanced and nutritious meals, safe and secure living environment and legal and social work assistance for family reunification and adoption. Holt pools sponsors' donations for each country to provide for the children in that country, so your sponsored child will directly benefit from your donations. You will receive a current child report and picture approximately four times a year.

P.O. Box 2880 (1195 City View) Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA. Phone: (541) 687-2202 Email:

Since 1976, WACAP’s child assistance programs have supplied vitamins, health care, medical supplies, toys, clothing and the opportunity for education to more than 100,000 children worldwide in institutions or in destitute families. Physical therapy equipment, wheelchairs, limb prostheses, hearing aids, and lab equipment are provided by WACAP to a children’s rehabilitation center in Henan Province. Medical equipment, supplies and training are provided for a children's rehabilitation center in Luoyang, China. To sponsor a child in China for ongoing food, clothing, health care, or education, fill out the sponsorship form on the WACAP website.

Donated clothing, toys and other supplies are also needed. Each year, more than three tons of supplies are sent to needy children and families. You may request a detailed list of supplies at their website. WACAP also welcomes monetary donations to purchase needed supplies.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 88948, Seattle WA 98138, Street address: 315 South Second Street, Renton WA 98055, Phone: (206) 575-4550 E-mail:



Humanitarian Aid in Asia
Humanitarian Aid in Asia

Multi-country Organizations

Korea - Adoption Agencies
China - Adoption Agencies
Taiwan - Adoption Agencies
Thailand - Adoption Agencies
Viet Nam - Adoption Agencies

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