Service (Catholic Relief Service) provides a home for up to
20 pregnant unwed young women, some of whom are referred by
government social agencies. Counseling, medical care, shelter
and legal assistance are provided, along with help with studies
and job search. Medical care is provided for premature children
or children born underweight. Rehabilitation opportunities for
handicapped children are provided while looking for prospective
adopting parents for them. Volunteers assist boys from broken
homes with home work, guidance and family visits.
Financial donations
and sponsors are needed for children in Taiwan. Supplies needed
include: Baby clothes and blankets; baby lotion, baby oil; liquid
multi-vitamin; feeding equipment, nursing bottles, nipples,
pacifiers: and diapers.
6th Fl., Rm. 603,
No. 2, Section 1, Chungshan North Rd., Taipei(100). R.O.C. Phone:
G (02) 2311-7642 2311-0223 2383-1299. E-mail :