Aid in Thailand Provided by Adoption Agencies
While providing medical supplies, clothing, and other life essentials
to orphanages in our program countries, we also provide humanitarian
services for especially needy children. We regularly contribute
financial aid to HIV-infected children in Northern Thailand.
Alaska Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20012. Tel: 202-726-7193
E-mail: dcinfo@asia-adopt.org
International Children's Services
Sponsor a child in Thailand to help provide your sponsored child
with these essentials: Warm clothing and attentive care, routine
and specialized medical treatment, balanced and nutritious meals,
safe and secure living environment and legal and social work assistance
for family reunification and adoption. Holt pools sponsors' donations
for each country to provide for the children in that country,
so your sponsored child will directly benefit from your donations.
You will receive a current child report and picture approximately
four times a year.
P.O. Box 2880 (1195
City View) Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA Phone: (541) 687-2202 Email:
1976, WACAP’s child assistance programs have supplied vitamins,
health care, medical supplies, toys, clothing and the opportunity
for education to more than 100,000 children worldwide in institutions
or in destitute families. To sponsor a child in Thailand for ongoing
food, clothing, health care, or education, fill out the sponsorship
form on the WACAP website.
Donated clothing, toys and other supplies are also needed. Each
year, more than three tons of supplies are sent to needy children
and families. You may request a detailed list of supplies at their
website. WACAP also welcomes monetary donations to purchase needed
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 88948, Seattle WA 98138. Street Address: 315 South Second
Street, Renton WA 98055 Phone: (206) 575-4550 E-mail: wacap@accessone.com